Line of Maids
This is one of my large range of autobots suitable for rezzing in the home or in period roleplay sims to make them appear more active.
This is a simple line of maids who curtsey to any avatar passing nearby. There is no menu of any other items and they cannot move.
However the special thing about these bots is that all 3 maids together only use 5 prims in total so you can rez the line almost anywhere. The entrance to your home or ballroom is an obvious place but we are sure you will think of many others.
They are on display to try out at my House of Alisha store along with almost 100 other similar items including maids, guards, greeter servants, bridesmaids, nuns and many more.
Ver el artículo en Second LifeGood photo prop and quick responding merchant
As a SL photographer I always look for interesting props. I liked this kneeling nun. But I had a technical problem with it's size. Wrote an IM. The merchant responded after a short time. Problem solved.