LARRY JEANS - Jeans 907 - Blue

LARRY JEANS - Denim - Jeans - Casual Wear
Sexy High Waisted Denim Jeans with black Lace. Have a look at the picture for more details.
This item comes in 12 different colors. Not all colors are listed below in the "Related Items" Section. To see all colors please visit the Marketplace Store and search for "Larry Jeans 907".
Ver el artículo en Second Life- Sexy Denim Jeans
- High Waist Cut
- Black Lace Trim
- Appliers for Maitreya Mesh Body
- Sexy Womans Pants / Casual Wear by Larry Jeans
I purchased this set and these jeans are great! I don't like the ones that ride so low that makes you look like a plumber, even when you are standing up, and these are really nice - and fit great!! Thanks for good products .. :)
L$ 99
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