G General

LifeStorii Animation on Attach Scripts Version 21.04.22

LifeStorii Animation on Attach Scripts

Includes 4 Scripts, 2 Full Perm 2 No Modify.

Please read below to see if they will work for what you need.

*Play Anim After Time (Mod):
- Plays the animation you specify inside the script after how many seconds you specify on attach

*Play Anim on Attach (No Mod):
- Plays the first animation in the items inventory on attach

*Play Anim on Attach 2 (Mod):
- Plays the animation you specify inside the script on attach

*Play Anim from Inventory (No Mod):
- Takes up to 12 Animations in the inventory and sorts them into a list in this order of priority:
- Symbols (! * # Etc)
- Numbers
- Capital Letters
- Lowercase Letters
- Plays the first animation in the list on attach
- On touch, displays a menu of all the animations and lets the user pick which animation to play
*If more than 12 animations are added to the object, script will fail to work and cause a script error*

Terms of Use:
Any of the Copy/No Mod/Trans scripts can be used as is for food/drink/auto-attach items, otherwise please change permissions to Copy/No Trans or No Copy/Trans

Any of the Full Perm Scripts have the same rules as above apply, with the exception that it must be made NO MOD before sale or giving away.

Any questions or concerns, please message or send a notecard to Storii Darkheart

See item in Second Life