@ BD ~ Light Gaits Replacement

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The lovely sound of horseshoes hitting the asphalt. Perfect for those who wants lighter, "horseshoe" sounds when you move.

Compatible with all horse avatars and Water Horse's riding horse.

(No animations, just sounds)

- Loud & Proud



  • Walk, trot, canter & gallop sound replacements

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Only one qualm!

Publicado March 01, 2017 por Ironic Flinders 5 estrellas

I wish the gallop sound was a little louder, as the canter is louder than the gallop. Aside from that I love it! keep up the great work, Becky!

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Loving the gaited sounds

Publicado February 27, 2017 por ShadowTheHedgehoggu 5 estrellas

I simply agree with the top review. these sounds are very pretty to listen to if I may say? lol they sound softer and not loud and or annoying. I enjoy these a lot especially in roll play sims where half the sim is nothing but concrete and asphalt. makes things sounds really realistic <3 I recommend these sounds as they are worth the linden. and is a really great addition to have :D

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Loud & Proud
Loud & Proud
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Vendido por: Beckylover1
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  • Es apta para los avatares
    All horse
    Más información
  • 5 estrellas 3 Reseñas

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