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Mermaid Collection Mesh Emotion Blue

Mermaid Collection Mesh Emotion Blue

FunnySea present one of his new outfit siren (mermaid).

Included in this pack, a full mermaid dress, with its tail Rigged Mesh.
I suggest you put the shape on the inside to better adjust the tail, but if you have a modified shape it will be better.

In the pack:
* Multiple layers top
* 2 points tails (a flexy and sculpted)
* Mesh tail
* a shape adapted to the tail.
* fins

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  • Mermaid outfits
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missing box
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado February 16, 2016 por Historyfreak

placed the box down not realizing the world i was on didnt allow it, didnt give the box back so now i have an empty folder

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full star full star full star full star full star Publicado December 25, 2014 por roybel

I like it very much :)

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full star full star full star full star full star Publicado August 18, 2013 por Lylou Nirvana


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full star full star full star full star full star Publicado August 14, 2013 por Fink2

Overall, i would have to give it five stars! I don't understand what people are saying about the shape, i could modify it just fine! i LOVE THIS MERMAID OUTFIT! I just need to find a good AO, and then im ready to go! Thank you for the price also! One Linden is just a steal! :)

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more sizes and perfect
full star full star full star full star empty star Publicado June 12, 2013 por DeBussey Vortex

so nice, very pretty tail, great detail but the shape sucks. please offer multi sizes!!!!!!

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nice tail..kinda offended though
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publicado June 10, 2013 por Autumn Jestyr

not everyone wants to be's nicer you put a shape in it..but you only gave one size..yeah it's 1l i ain't mad..but this 1l thing was suppose to encourage me to buy others right? well..i'm not encouraged..cause i only got one size..sorry..but i don't wanna be like you..i wanna be me..but with a fish tail. so..

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L$ 1

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Vendido por: isa Haas

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