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[Nagashi] Kaneki kagune hud

[Nagashi] Kaneki kagune hud

Fully scripted Kaneki's kagune hud
-Spin attack
-Stab attack
-Defense move
-Punch attacks
- Dashes to 5 directions ( up,right,left,back,fwd )

Clasificación media: estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena media estrella estrella vacía
  • 5 estrella:
  • 4 estrella:
  • 3 estrella:
  • 2 estrella:
  • 1 estrella:
not great
estrella llena estrella llena estrella vacía estrella vacía estrella vacía Publicado April 30, 2015 por Raimaa

was hoping for a more realisty kagune look and movement, and centipede..
maybe some of his sequel series action, manga tokyou ghoul action and sequel as well as more attacks and such i was disapointed in this , but since 0 other kaneki kagune exsists in sl buy it if you must

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estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado April 01, 2015 por Sheata Pinelli

I find the animations and movement when switching the tails animation for the actions very great. Not to mention the sounds. It has a nice simple to use HUD, and a pretty cool transformation sequence! I say this deserves a 10/10. Great job yet again Raidon!

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