Vonfyrsten 164 Lace heel boots Mesh MAITREYA HOURGLASS FREYA LEGACY Foot wear Woman's Boots Shoes Heels
Use your mesh body's alpha hud to fit this item.
1 Maitreya Lara Size
1 SLink Hourglass Size
1 Belleza Freya Size
1 Legacy
Requires Mesh Enabled Viewer.
If you have issues , please send NC to Vonfyrsten we be happy to help you.
Thank you :-)
Ver el artículo en Second Life- Vonfyrsten 145 Shirt heels Mesh Maitreya Slink Belleza Foot wear Woman's Boots S
Never disappointing
I have bought a lot from this creator and will continue to. The attention to detail is mind boggling and the textures are incredibly beautiful, and tight. The outfits look amazing on all my bodies, I have three and change them when I create.
Thank you for such amazing workmanship.
As always these outfits make me feel super beautiful and sexy! I'm always looking forward to seeing the new fashions you come out with.
very Beatiful for Etika Body
I love My new outfit on my Erika body ♥.♥
Thanks :-)
A great outfit, with many shades, especially liked the shoes. I advise everyone to buy them in their wardrobe, they will always fit any of your outfit, as it is possible to adjust the color using an additional palette. Thank you:)
Sexy Yass
Love the fit and the boots are to suffice!!
Although i cannot wear the boots as i do not have the required leg adjuster (leg grip) i will still give it 5 stars as the rest of it is very sexy