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Protogen Avatar V3 Versión v3

Protogen Avatar V3

Introducing the design of Protogen v3 for Second Life,
A modular avatar focused on continuous improvement to provide users with a construction experience.
We equip you with tools to program certain aspects of the character and how its armor and body modules behave.
As synthetic creatures, they are entirely customizable!

We're celebrating the latest update to its v3 version, featuring a new system and a new HUD.
It boasts an extensive range of modular options,


The ability to add static or animated textures. Using the provided texture kit,
you can craft your own designs and have fun with them.

You can configure your armor to create unique color patterns.

Modify, replace, change, or acquire new armor parts to give your character a fresh look and entirely transform their style.

You can even remove the armor and explore the various possibilities the character offers with its simple synthetic body!
Feel free to seek help or inquire about this character on our Discord: https://discord.gg/synthrevolution

We'll be delighted to see you configuring your character in our region! You're welcome to come by for a visit!

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  • sci fi
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Nice Avatar
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado June 13, 2021 por Drawar Andel

it's a nice avatar i hope it goes far and try to make a protogen dragon if i can but it lacks a bit but really great avatar

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full star full star full star full star full star Publicado June 07, 2021 por JaceCarmick

Such an amazing and high quality protogen!

Now i can finally consume all the RAM!!!

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A great start, with a bright future!
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado June 03, 2021 por Jensai76

I've used a lot of B.Tech's avatars and items, and absolutely adore the Protogen. So, color me surprised when I heard that B.Tech would be tackling this! Overall, I've been adoring this avatar, putting a few personal spins on it, and seeing what else people have come up with. The modeling is great, the animations are nice, and there are plenty of faces to pick between, not to mention everything is put together in such a way that it's super easy to modify individual parts.

Just about my only complaint is the lack of a talkjaw, and that the body can react a little strangely to Shape settings. That being said, these are very minor issues, so all in all I can't help but give another point to B.Tech, for doing a great job of bringing another beloved synthetic being to SL.

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my impressions just a little, (´・ᴗ・ `) yes!
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado June 02, 2021 por Derp910

Now I a little eared robot that's all I needed BUT there is also the first version of the avatar there I will be ϟpowerfulϟ
I would like to note that on the Synth Revolution Avatar there is also a bunch of additional stuff from which you blind what you need!
I am very pleased and will follow the development of this author in his work.

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i like it
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado June 01, 2021 por Lunar Wolfhunter

It looks good for what it is.

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Impresionante y prometedor
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado June 01, 2021 por 02Azami

El diseño es impresionante y con un gran potencial, las proporciones del cuerpo son enfocadas en mayoría a un diseño esbelto y tonificado, así que las extralimitaciones del shape con el fin de buscar otras proporciones como Chubby, chunky, tiny o tall, no son del todo viables, punto que imagino fue tomado a cuenta para no deformar la fisionomía, por lo cual hay zonas que no se verán afectadas del todo por el shape, tales como butt o thighs, la transición de la versión 0.92 a la 0.95 con los nuevos cambios son notorios, especialmente por el anexo de una modalidad para áreas PG y mature, personalmente opino que luce estética la zona de la versión Mature del modelo 0.92 pese a no ser funcional o dinámica, pues la unión entre las áreas es uniforme, cosa que cambio en la versión 0.95 donde la transición compensada con funcionalidad es más evidente y al activar la modalidad PG se aprecia un hueco en la malla (aunque imagino será modificado posteriormente), las paws tienen un detalle magnifico y la opción de permitir tintar varias piezas por separado da cabida a personalización amplia, sin embargo las opciones del visor del helmet, no incluyen las funciones de parpadeo activo y talking jaw que incluyen en el Synth cosa que me gustaba personalmente (aunque de igual forma imagino será progresivo su pulir), en cuanto a las animaciones de las ears y tail, son lindas, aunque muchas de ellas algo eufóricas ^^`, quizá el añadir otras con estados más variados o interacciones de cambio de dirección como al girar a la izquierda o derecha le darán más fluidez, en lo que respecta a la head y neck tengo a cuenta que el diseño es canon por el visor, sin embargo quizá una adaptación de neck extender como otros body bento le daría posibilidad a adaptar heads bento o igualmente unrigged ampliando la personalización aún más para quienes gustan de modificaciones, lo cual supongo implicaría la necesidad de un Visor igualmente unrigged y ajustable dependiendo de gusto de la comunidad, en .....

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