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REVOUL - Deep Waviana WIG <3 (add me)

REVOUL - Deep Waviana WIG <3 (add me)
REVOUL - Deep Waviana WIG <3 (add me)
3 Reseñas

Every other day NEW Wig NEW Hair come take me out this REVOUL! Take me for a swim in this Deep Waviana causing water workianas! Hi Queens! With this interactive hair you can move your hair & animate it however you want! This wig comes in Genus, Catwa & Lelutka Evolution rigged head sizes, chest options + KUPRA and style hud with over 100+! Along with a tint hud, materials enabled & accessories!

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i like it except 1 feature
full star full star full star full star empty star Publicado March 30, 2022 por Suerinaa

its a really good hair but it isn't touching mt head

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L$ 400

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Vendido por: LuvEzek

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