8 Reseñas
more random..
perms: copy
3 prims/generator
Use ctrl T to see the generator.
Rez the cucaracha generator,
touch it and choose
how many cucarachas you want
running around,
7 quantity settings,
from a few to many.
touch, retouch,
to cycle through the settings.
The cucarachas will move ~20m around.
ee Oh.
(roach cucaracha kakalake kakalaken cafard cafards cuisine kitchen kueche)
Ver el artículo en Second LifeGREAT
These are great, look good etc. However, they go so fast you can barely see what they are. It would be nice to include a "speed" hud so we can make them go as slow or fast as we want.
Thanks !
PS: I was just going to modify the script to make them go slower but the script is no mod. >: (
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