8 Reseñas
more random..
perms: copy
3 prims/generator
Use ctrl T to see the generator.
Rez the cucaracha generator,
touch it and choose
how many cucarachas you want
running around,
7 quantity settings,
from a few to many.
touch, retouch,
to cycle through the settings.
The cucarachas will move ~20m around.
ee Oh.
(roach cucaracha kakalake kakalaken cafard cafards cuisine kitchen kueche)
Ver el artículo en Second LifeWOOW
This is amazing!! Thank you sooo much! :D
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good but hard to get rid of
maybe im doing something wrong lol but I cant get them off my friends land! I placed it as a gag and now they wont go away! help!?