G General

Roundhouse Kick Versión 1.1

Roundhouse Kick


Roundhouse Kick is an application used to pushing another avatar about 15 meters, in areas that allow pushing, no need to touch the other avatar, only must be near and click with the mouse.

Includes sound and animation.

How to use:

1. Wear the object called "Roundhouse Kick".
2. Must be near another avatar and click the left mouse button.

Warning: Do not use to abuse.

Any problem: send me an IM


Roundhouse Kick, es una aplicación que sirve para empujar a otro avatar unos 15 metros, en zonas que permiten el pushing, no necesita tocar al otro avatar, simplemente acercarse y hacer click con el mouse.

Incluye sonido y animación.

Modo de uso:

1. Póngase el objeto llamado: "Roundhouse Kick".
2. Acérquese a otro avatar, y haga click con el botón izquierdo del mouse.

Advertencia: No use para abusar.

  • Roundhouse Kick
  • Combat Animation
  • Kick Attack
  • Pushing Aplication
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does not work good always hang
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publicado December 30, 2020 por rose9991sl

does not work

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I want my money back
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publicado September 06, 2020 por Nayboo01

don't buy!!! This is crap and doesn't work at all and yes I followed all instructions

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Fraud!!! Does not work!!
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publicado December 29, 2015 por Benson Gravois

I even used this in a sandbox with all permissions allowed, all you do is kick but your target does not move at all!!!

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