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SBD~Juliette Top & Pants Fatpack

SBD~Juliette Top & Pants Fatpack
SBD~Juliette Top & Pants Fatpack
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Juliette Top and Pants is a cute casual outfit for women, with at 15 color texturing hud for each piece, pants and top, for Maitreya, Slink and Belleza, I hope everyone likes it, if you have any issues or problem with it please contact Annette Breen inworld, I have found that if I wear long hair with it that the transparency shows my body parts not much I can do to fix that it only happens with certain hair I believe.

  • Maitreya, Slink, Belleza, Women's Causal, Color Texturing Hud

L$ 350

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Southernbelle Designs
Southernbelle Designs
Vendido por: Annette Breen

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