Gun over view: Implementing and utilizing all the latest scripting techniques every thing has been painstakingly built and textured / scripted over many months. There are a total of 48 different animations in these guns from shooting and holding animations both dual and single poses. Including animations for changing attachments turning on lasers and lights every option will fully animate your avatar and play a true to life sound effect. Also every shooting animation is followed by a true to life recoil kick back animation. These guns can be setup to function perfectly along with your current AO / Animation override using a specially made AO plug-in script that you drag into your animation override this allows the guns to communicate with your AO allowing you to shoot and not worry about your avatar looking silly or shooting in an incorrect pose. Muzzle flash that is totally client side flashing meaning that it will not cause lag in any situation. Realistic Muzzle burst smoke completely designed from observing hand guns firing in real life. There is also correctly rezzing bullet offsets and shell ejection positions when firing.
Laser sight
Light effects
Muzzle flash
Shell ejection
Smoke particles
Custom animations
Custom sounds
Dual or single Wielding
Free life time Updates
HUD Controlled or chat commands
Moving slide
Want to try before you bye? Test out the gun size? Try all the animations and effects? No problem
Come to my store to pick up a FREE 1 time only limited 1 Time Use DEMO version that will last a limited Amount of time after this the textures will change and the scripts are automatically deleted. Please make sure you attach the demo some where you can test weapons they are only functional for 1 time.
See it in action! Starting of the video shows the missiles blowing up some of the vehicles i have made over the years and also some of the firing poses and recoil animations Also some visual effects.
New added features(7/20/10) Every one click your right hand Gun to get the new Update.
Stunts (Double taps in all directions)
Stunts can be configured so that you can ether cartwheel forward and cartwheel left and right or Roll Forward and flip left and right. Jump in to the air and double tap in all directions and stand still walk or run double tap in all directions to perform some stunts while shooting in 3rd person. The stunts can work with your AO if the gun AO Bridge is placed into your AO.
3rd person (Shooting while viewing your avatar)
The aiming pose can be activated by press Page down (Note that while in 3rd person mode crouching will not work how ever there is a crouching aiming pose you can select to use with both or ether left or right guns).
3read person shooting is possible but the accuracy depends on the rotation of your camera for the best performance make sure you keep your camera as best directly behind your avatar while firing. Note that camming to your side to view the guns firing side on will result in the bullets being rezzed sideways.
How to fire the guns in 3rd person
1. Click options on the HUD > then click 3rd person
2. Press Page down to activate the aiming pose or press it again to stop the aiming pose
3. Press the Left mouse button. (To fire the guns)
Built in 3rd Person Animation Override
There is a Built in Animation override that triggers once 3rd person mode has been activated these animations are specifically designed to work perfectly with each pose and work with the stunt system. (It is not possible to customize these animations).
1st person (Shooting while in mouse look)
First person shooting allows you to shoot while in mouse look this is a much more effective way to shoot these guns. Best for role play and other general use
HUD minimize button (Located next to the Ammo button this will shrink the HUD right down)
Bullet spread factor (As requested)
You have total control over the bullet spread. You can make very fine adjustments using increments of +0.01 or +0.1 and from 0.00 to 5.00 I’ve tested this it doesn’t pay to use more than 0.20 if you are using dual guns as the bullets collide with each other and disappear but other than that this will allow you to adjust the firing spread to result in a more realistic impact pattern.
HUD over view:
The HUD is a very complex but yet easy to understand and use weapons control system giving you a visual display read out of some important information and settings. For example you will get a visual display read out of how much ammo you have remaining in each guns magazine. This can come in handy when you are in fast shooting combat situations because you will know exactly when to time your reloads. The HUD also remembers all your settings so you never have to worry about changing all your preferred setting over and over.
Find more info inside the PDF file
Descargar instrucciones Ver el artículo en Second Life Ver vídeo »- Muzzle flash
- Shell ejection
- Smoke particles
- Custom animations
- Dual or single Wielding
In this magnificent piece of excellence i was humbled in awe for within this wonderful marvel i saw everything any gunsmen would want in their arsenal
All the addons silencer colour choice even an extra cartridge,Rpg bullet,A push bullet,A kill bullet,A Push in no push,One that blows anything physical away and theres still more
(and justy what i wanted "no stupid bullets")
Awsome particles!!!
Awsome animations!!!
I have a choice of where I want to wear them
upper leg,under arm or back(I tried wearing one on my back and one on my leg?...and it worked lol, so now im forever changing them round lol,and you can draw them seperately or together,shoot them alternatively or simultaneously
These ROCK!!
I recommend these guns to all gun lovers
Awsome work,Im not taking them off
awesome work! Easy to use hud, great custom animations and low lag love the effects, definately shows the work you put into these. Definately worth what i paid for them :)