Silver Dragon Cane

- Includes normal and specular textures. A materials capable view is recommended.
- Includes built-in standing and walking animations.
- Toggle between slow and normal walking speeds
- You can poke people and bonk people over the head, using either the menu, or the optional Poking HUD.
- Click on cane for options menu.
You must have a mesh-enabled viewer to use, and you must be on a sim that allows scripts to run.
There is no pose when you stay like a boss, putting a cane in front of you and putting both hands on it. With that cane you look like a sick old man.
Landimpact 2
Gehstock ist sehr schön, sind allerdings 2 und nicht 1 Prim Landimpact
Die Animationen sind sehr schlecht.
Anscheinend nicht für Mesh-Body geeignet
cycle geht noch
cycle 2, ava zieht kurz rechtes bein hinterher
L$ 150
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Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.
Este objeto contiene objetos que se puede poner tu avatar.
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