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Slideshow Script for Picture Frames Pro V7

Slideshow Script for Picture Frames Pro V7
Slideshow Script for Picture Frames Pro V7
2 Reseñas

Make your own picture frame with slideshow!

Slideshow script with the following menu options:
- Access = switch access: Owner >>> Group >>> Public (Owner only).
- ATD yes/no = Allow others To Drop items into the picture frame except scripts (Owner only).
- Hold = to freeze the picture.
- On/off = to turn the slideshow on/off and option to set a default picture in off mode.
- Enter UUID = to set your own picture when off.
- Light = to set full bright on/off.
- Black edges = to make the edges black (Owner only).
- Reset = to reset the script and install the default settings (Owner only).
- Help = to see menu functions in local chat and for not owners how to add pictures into the frame.
- Cycle time = to set a cycle time between 5 seconds and 1 hour.

- Fade-in fade-out system.
- The pictures are shown in a random order.
- The number of pictures you can drag in, has no limit.
- The object where this script is in can be linked to other parts.
- Your object must be modify to put the script in.
- This script is no modify and no transfer.
- Preload system (anti blur).
- Notecard how to use.

Good luck with the script.
If you have no idea how to make a frame, use the picture frame creator script. This will do it for you.

  • Unlimited number of pictures.
  • Notecard how to use.
  • Menu controlled.
  • Anti blur system.
  • Access Control
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The script works well
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado October 18, 2022 por M157Y

The script works well and the creator is very approachable and kind, that matters a lot when you need help she's there to follow up. Thank you♥

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Excellent slideshow pic viewer
full star full star full star full star empty star Publicado March 07, 2020 por Efene Strom

This version have a good option to turn off completely the script, more... have the option to add a default picture/texture to show when the script is on off mode. Don't give 5 stars because never do it. 5 stars is the perfection and the perfection never ends. :)

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