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StructPack#1 by Cel Edman

StructPack#1 by Cel Edman
StructPack#1 by Cel Edman
36 Reseñas

Struct Pack #1 by Cel Edman

--note this is the builders edition including the sculpt textures reduced in price-
120 construction type sculpted building prims. They look seperate prims, but count just as 1-prim. Nice for prim reduction in certain builds.

The 3D models are optimised for 1st and 2nd degree LOD (level of detail) so they dont morph that quick zooming in or out.

(I released a builders edition, including the sculpt-textures, when the new megaprims were availble on the grid)

These sculpties are for use in your personal builds only. and I allow you selling these builds.

Individual Resell or repackage of these sculpties is not allowed. You only can distribute/sell other artist work if you have the permission of the creator to do so. For my case, I just allow using/selling these as part of your personal builds. Any violation of my TOS will result in a DMCA takedown notification towards Linden and other legal actions.

Cel Edman
Cel Edman's Pixel Lab(slurl) - Claremorris (4,25,23)

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full star full star full star full star full star Publicado June 04, 2008 por Viktor Zagoskin

As always, excellent work by Cel. Looking forward to more packs.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publicado April 16, 2008 por Nadine Defiant

Totally great! Uncountable possibilities... And as usual very high quality from this merchant! 5 stars and 2 thumbs up

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L$ 600

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Cel Edman

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