NEW: Subscribe-O-Matic is now completely free for groups under 500 members - no monthly or set up costs!
Please check out our website for detailed information, subscription plans and current news -!
What is Subscribe-O-Matic and how can it help me?
It lets you send messages and items to a large group of people, just like group notices do, but without actually requiring those people to join a Second Life group. So if you are a clothing designer for example, you can use it to notify your customers that have subscribed to your list, about that new dress you just put out for sale, and send them a picture of it, and a SLurl along with the message.
Or maybe you have monthly magazine, which you would like to send out every month, to whoever subscribes to it. The Subscribe-O-Matic was built exactly for this purpose - to let you reach thousands of readers (or clients or potential customers) easily.
Detailed feature list
* Easy for everyone to join your list with a simple touch.
* You can send unlimited messages to thousands of users.
* You can also send an item with every message.
* You can personalize the message everyone gets when they subscribe/join
* You can set it up so it automatically sends an item (welcome note, disclaimer, gift) to anyone that joins (subscribes to your group).
* No limit on how many kiosks you can put out - they are also modifiable.
* Change the display texture and the name of all your kiosks around SL easily in one step.
* Easy management through the web control panel, that also lets you search or browse your list of subscribers, remove people from it, see when they joined, and much more.
* NEW! Message history - your subscribers can easily read your past notices on any of your kiosks! The will also receive items that were attached with the notice (if you allow resending of course).
* NEW!Let your potential customers subscribe to your notices and messages even outside SL! They can subscribe to your personalized RSS newsfeed with their feed reader (or aggregate them on their blog, etc).
Why would I use the Subscribe-O-Matic? I can send messages and items with group notices.
Of course you can, but that requires everyone that wants to receive them, to join your group. Which can usually be a problem, and here is why:
* Joining a group can be a hassle, especially for someone new to Second Life. You have to explain how to search for your group and join it. With Subscribe-O-Matic, they simply touch one of your personalized kiosks, and they are done.
* We can only join a maximum of 25 groups in Second Life. So will your potential customer leave another group, just to join yours? Subscribing to your Subscribe-O-Matic doesn't leave them with one group slot less.
* Then there are people like me, who would never join an unnecessary group, just to receive an occasional notice from my favorite designer, or a magazine once a month. With Subscribe-O-Matic I could be receiving updates from all my favorite designers, and my 5 favorite monthly magazines, and I wouldn't need to be a member of any group.
* Your group was meant as a way to send notices to your customers, but they think it's another way to get customer support or some more people to their event? Subscribe-O-Matic is only about you reaching your customers easily.
How does it all work?
In two words, pretty simple. You simply put out your personalized kiosks or ATMs at your locations around Second Life, and they are instantly ready for everyone to subscribe to your list simply by touching them. No complex setup procedures here. Every kiosk is connected to your central database outside Second Life that holds the list of your subscribers. We go great lengths to ensure your subscribers are always safely stored, and backed up every day, and no one but you (and maybe people that you set as operators) has access to it.
Sending a message or an item is equally easy: you rez a Subscribe-O-Matic controller, type your message and off you go.
When it comes to managing your growing group of people and kiosks around Second Life, you can easily do that on our website. You can remove a confused customer that accidentally touched it and can't find your kiosk anymore, for example. You can also manage different aspects of your kiosks around Second Life, without the need to be in-world, or visit every one of them.
What our customers are saying about it
"As far as the Subscribe-O-Matic goes... if I could keep it to myself, I would!" - Asri Falcone, Asri Falcone Originals
"I have recently purchased a subscription of Subscribe-O-Matic and am completely thrilled with this service. It is amazing how many features are available within the network. I am also very impressed by the quality and the speed of the technical support provided by the Subscribe-O-Matic staff." - Indyra Seigo, Indyra Originals
Veja o item no Second LifeThe 14 day trial of Subscribe-O-Matic was a fantastic way to see how the product itself worked. I am now a full account subscriber and very happy with their service. Well done folks!