Sunglasses Versión 1

Detalles Funciones Contenidos Reseñas (10)


This is a mesh item, you must have a mesh capable viewer.
Includes: 3 texture;
               3 sunglasses.
You can edit to change the color of the frame and lenses.



Reseñas (XX)

Clasificación media: 3.8 estrellas Distribución
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4 estrella:  (0)
3 estrella:  (0)
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1 estrella:
Simply amazing for L$1!

Publicado December 30, 2014 por Luxurious Slingshot 5 estrellas

I'm a smaller avi, so pretty much all sunglasses sit on my nose like dinner plates. This set I was able to scale down for a better fit. <3 <3 <3

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Incorrectly permed, no textures

Publicado December 28, 2014 por BrigadierSaila 1 estrella

The sunglasses themselves have no textures, and the textures included are No Copy, No Mod, the default setting for people who don't perm their stuff

Since the textures are no copy, they can't be put on the meshes themselves, so gray untextured sunglasses and unusable textures

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  • Es apta para los avatares clásicos y de malla Más información
  • 3.8 estrellas 10 Reseñas

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  • Malla: 100% Malla