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V2 Log Bridge from Studio Skye - Now With Winter Snow

V2 Log Bridge from Studio Skye - Now With Winter Snow

Version 2 - now with more textures including winter snow.

I am proud to present the Log Bridge, a detailed mesh design to add a touch of delicious detail to your project. For moments when a formal bridge is just too... hmm... formal!

VISIT INWORLD! Highly recommended! Click link below.

In the box you will find a log bridge model with texture changer.

Just rez and position!

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Wonderful !
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 19/10/2013 de ShaunaSand

One of my favorites. Perfect with so little prims. I like having two versions, one for the beach.

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Very Nice
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 2/9/2013 de YnysMon

This is a very well done and relatively low prim bridge that works very well as an impromptu river or canyon crossing. My only complaint -- and it's minor -- is that there's not much variety in how it looks. The cross sticks are not unlinkable, so the only options you have for visual difference is in texture and color. That said, I am very happy with this purchase. It looks fantastic on my nature sim.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 8/5/2013 de Flit Ulrik

exceeded my expectation of anything of its kind in secondlife. I am pleased beyond words with this gorgeous crafting skill. There should be more stars so I could rate it higher.

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Love it
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 5/5/2013 de Lakota Utherwurldly

Currently building a woodland section for a friend's sim. This came in very handy. It looks great too.

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Log Bridge!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 16/4/2013 de NightTurist

What you see is what you get. Two log bridges with slightly different textures suited for different landscapes. Beautiful textures, great design and overall craftmansship. Thank you Alex :-)

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