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[Wishbox] Caprice (Black/Red)

[Wishbox] Caprice (Black/Red)
[Wishbox] Caprice (Black/Red)
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This outfit is for Petite Mesh Avatars as created by Yabusaka Loon. You must own a Petite Mesh Avatar, which is a tiny avatar about the size of a boot, to use this item. This outfit is available for full-size avatars in my other items.

Tangled vines of roses and other delicate buds wrap around your figure for a lovely and whimsical springtime look.

These silks are fully mod and also have highly reliable new resize scripts, which can be deleted from the menu if desired.

Includes matching flower petals for the right thigh. Crown sold separately.

  • Separate bra and bra flowers for easy editing
  • High-quality, removable resize scripts
  • Full modify permissions (when rezzed)

L$ 80

Añadiendo al carrito como regalo


Vendido por: Wisp Jinn

Es necesaria la apertura

Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

Este objeto contiene objetos que se puede poner tu avatar.

Es apta para los avatares de malla
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