These are only universal overlays for the KREEP Goblin Ears made to match the Goblinkin skin tones.
They use Aux1 for the texture, so make sure that's what you have your ears set to.
Ears not included and can be found here:
absoultly awesome
Love this overlay and all the other free goblin freebees mind if i ask whart tatoos you are useing for the face / neck?
These overlays work on the Kreep Troll ears too!
I was touched when i first saw this.
Made me pull out my goblin again hehe. Not to mention this is another artist putting in however many hours of their life to support my creations. It meant a lot to me, and probably explains my bias. Hell id go as far as to say they outdid my own ear textures!
Love it
Im so happy they keep releasing all these extra bits for the goblin skin. ♥ Thank you.
Can i get an AMEN!
i didn't realize i needed this in my life until now, THANK YOU