eDeLsToRe woman mesh hair " Nicole " BOX

*** Special Rigged Fitted Mesh Hair ***
eDelsToRe mesh woman hair " Nicole " incl all colors + HUD
This hair work with mesh or classic avatars !!
Try always DEMOS first!
DEMOS @ Mainstore / SIM Sea Magic or click "Get the demo version" on this page (right). Incl. hairbase.
Fitted Rigg Mesh Hair - means that they are made in newest technology.
No Rigg Mesh Hair - means you can edit position of hair and size
Mesh enabled viewers are required! If you have problems, please look at my profile (pics).
Hair are no Trans / Mode yes / Copy yes
DEMO and other colors + more than 1000 hair @ eDelsToRe hair mall
Ver el artículo en Second LifeVery nice hair
I'm very satisfied. The hair fits fantastically.
best hair i have found on MP
I Love it .. kiss
L$ 250
Es necesaria la apertura
Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).
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