This Store
Vendido por: Mami Jewell
Te has unido: March 20, 2007

- A Z U L -
High Quality Fashion for women

When Second Life’s leading ladies want style, quality and elegance, they look no further and the stunning
designs of her AZUL brand.
Made gowns for Miss Virtual World 2009 Mimmi Boa and three of the finalists for Miss Virtual World 2010 include First Runner-up Sora Tatham.
In the beginning of 2010, Mami Jewell won the honor of being VAIN INC.’s Readers’ choice Award for The Best
Female Formal Wear of 2010, proving once again that AZUL is top of the line for ladies’ formalwear in Second Life.


Depends on item.
Please check before your purchase.

No Refund,
No Exchange,
No custom make.

:::Missing Items:::
Please send NC with your name,
included transaction history to
store manager - Poohta Bailey,
thank you.

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