This Store
Every Pixel is Art | EPIA
Every Pixel is Art | EPIA
Vendido por: Dutch Lyric
Te has unido: September 20, 2011

EPIA is the store for military and roleplay equipment, formal apparel, casual clothing, furniture, architecture, home & decor, and interactive game products. All items are made from scratch by a team of talented mesh creators.

'Every Pixel Is Art' group membership will give you access to 10% inworld store discount, occasional group gifts, and staying up to date about new releases.

For any questions, do message Verone Potez.


• No refunds on purchases. - this includes refunds on double purchases. be cautious when purchasing please.

• Over 90% of our products have demos available; to make sure our product suits your needs you are well advised to try them.

• Prices are non negotiable. those interested in discounts are encouraged to join the inworld store’s update group “every pixel is art” for 10% discount.

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