This Store
Vendido por: L3NoobG0
Te has unido: March 30, 2014

Welcome to chameloflage,

we offer a wide range of coat designs,poses/animations and mesh objects for animal mesh avatars on second life (including Timber Wilds Industries/Breeder's Choice,Water Horse,Red Remora and Nuko Designs)! If you have any sort of problem or question feel free to contact CMFL founder L3noobG0. If you decide to buy a product we are thankful for any sort of feedback and we hope you like and enjoy your new product(s)! :)

Your CMFL Team


• No reselled copies of our products are allowed, that includes textures and items! Do your own work - be creative!

• Keep in mind: We do NOT offer full permission items, if rigged mesh items are no mod - accept that!

• Products are exactly as shown and described in inworld and on marketplace! Do not assume additional stuff!

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