- Profile
Welcome to my store, I really hope you have fun shopping here at Mik Tea and I hope to see you visit inworld & record your footprints in my dreams.
For most recent items simply filter by newest first. This is a collection of my old and new items. Please be aware my store is now moved to original lingerie items & so will have very little mesh retextures anymore <3.
As for why some have demo some have not, my older item they do not have demo. I will try to put inworld images for you more :)
- Policies
1. Please try demo where available it is important. I am trying to make this more routine with newer items of clothing layers.
2. Refunds are difficult as my item are copy items, we can not return. Please check your transaction carefully.
3. I will always do my best to help any problem that is within my power to fix so please speak to me before stress yourself out. I am here & contactable in