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Dead Dolls
Dead Dolls
Vendido por: Revekka74
Te has unido: March 28, 2013

husband & wife team who make quality skins, clothing & texture mods.

Kobold Snaggletooth,
Avatar 2.0,
Kemono skins,
Mesh body clothing and outfits for the popular bodies of Second Life such as Maitreys, Belleza and Slnk
Alternative designs, goth, rock, punk, dark.


No refunds unless doubles are bought by mistake and proof is available.

Feel free to ask us if you're having any problems with an item, contact revekka74 or OddPieceLady in world, alternatively there is a step by step tutorial for Kobold modding in my profile picks.

Commissions are mostly open but ask first as it depends on how busy we are.

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