This Store
Vendido por: Soda Domela
Te has unido: August 16, 2005

*Bubblefish* innovative fashions since 2005. Creating fashions for women, men, teens and kids from conservative to flity and sexy.
Browse the full *Bubblefish* line to see a plethora of different styles, this is what has made *Bubblefish* stand the test of time by creating a wide variety of styles; making fashion not only fun to wear but fun to design.


Originally all *Bubblefish* items were transferable, since I have always been a fan of physically handing gifts to friends. Over time, customers have requested copy & modifiable items and due to the popularity of SLEXCHANGE & the SL MARKETPLACE, gift giving non transferable items has become much easier. New designs are now NO TRANSFER. If you have a failed delivery, simply contact Soda Domela i

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