Native Visions, Wee-Ah & Rhia
Native Visions, Wee-Ah & Rhia
Sold by: Rhiamon Nitely
Joined: November 15, 2007

Our store offers a variety of items inspired by real life and our journey through Second Life. Our latest line is Wee-Ah which caters to the child population of SL. Inworld our main shop carries Native american Inspired goods and creations with Wee-Ah on the second floor. "R" is ONLY on Marketplace at this time.


Please send details (date, item, transaction...your name) and issue via notecard IMs get NOT IM...I am not able to respond to IMs in some cases DO NOT messages via Second Life Viewer 2 which I do not use.
If you choose to be a child AV that's fine...please write though as if you are the adult you are suppose to be behind that is business and SL three year o

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