This Store
~Go Frock Yourself~
~Go Frock Yourself~
Vendido por: Ripley Rozenberg
Te has unido: April 02, 2008

Go Frock Yourself is a store dedicated to making your SL simpler and more beautiful. We carry a wide arrange of clothing, manicures/pedicures for Slink, Omega, Maitreya & Belleza nails.

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1. If you have a failed delivery you can use the redelivery terminal in the store or drop me a notecard with your name (not display name), and trans. history.
2. If you need to contact me and I am offline, please leave a details message so I can respond quickly. All messages go to my email. If I don't respond within 24 hours poke me again.
3. No refunds except in the case of duplicate purch

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