- Profile
Welcome to ZeeQuu - Leaders in quirky things for your breedables and pets since 2009
We love to create high-quality sculpt and mesh items to home and decorate around the livelihood of being a breeder and pet parent!
Everything from stables to market stalls - we've got you covered with something different enough to stand out but not crazy enough to overshadow your babies.
We create our products with various means including our own meshes, textures, prims, sculpts and those made by other creators. Please respect our content.
Please be kind to staff, we do not tolerate otherwise.
- Policies
------All sales are FINAL------
All items are C/M no Trans - unless otherwise stated.
If you experience any issues with your product please NC/IM Zailee Quartz.
RETIRED/RETIRING ITEMS: Older prim and sculpt-based items are being retired. These items will no longer be updated or supported. We will be remaking them where we can in the new systems LL brings to the grid.