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13 Roses vines Alpha textures

 13 Roses vines Alpha textures
 13 Roses vines Alpha textures
3 Avis

13 Roses vines Alpha textures

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 6/5/2013 de Caren Jewell

It looks on Pic like a bit "handpainting" but be sure - it is not!! It was such a surprise for me to see it earlyer in the Clematis BigPack that I have too.
The Colors and Leafs comes from Roses in RL and after I use it for my Garden potted Plant - I have a Paradise at home. This Flowers, leafs and Plant Texture from this Creator worth every Linden and change every Garden in a colorful Paradise. Big thanks to alial for all this lovely works.

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Fantasy Illumination       /Fantasy China
Fantasy Illumination /Fantasy China
Vendu par : alial Allen

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