R.icielli - VIVI High Heels for Belleza, TMP, Slink, Maitreya fatpack 4 colors
The feet its not included!
Vivi High Heels is compatible with TMP Feet Ouch! Maitreya Lara Feet, Slink (high feet) and Belleza High Feet (Venus, Freya and Isis).
Gold and Silver options.
Voir l'article dans Second LifeMissing Beige Silver for TMP
These heels are lovely but I have TMP feet and in this package TMP Beige Silver is missing and there are two Slink Beige Silver heels. I sent notecard to the maker inworld 3-4 weeks back but still no response nor any correction. You can see the same in the Contents section also here.
I like buying from this seller but this package needs to be fixed.
Beautiful shoes
However....I ended up buying the shoes TWICE. Once INWORLD and then here. The pair I bought inworld only had ONE SHOE. I was very upset. I know when I bought them at it was at the $15 end of season sale they just had recently. There was quite a bit wrong with that sale as far as mis-marked items and then these shoes. I love the store but they need to get their selves TOGETHER!