A&A Crazy Magician Hair Purple Cyan (Special Color). Very long hair, wavy, unisex fantasy hairstyle

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Crazy Magician is a very long hair, wavy, unisex fantasy hairstyle
Fatpacks are 650 L, single colors 175 L, demos are free.
For support, contact Alice Klinger inworld or
use the contact form on our blog.
Sign up on our blog to receive the new release notices or join our inworld group (Alli&Ali) for inworld new release notices, sales info and groupie presents.
© 2013 Alli&Ali Designs
Voir l'article dans Second Life- 1 script resize menu and script delete button
- Prims are copy/mod/no transfer
- Scripts are copy/no mod/no transfer
- Full bright toggle menu button (Brightn.)
L$ 175
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Droits :
- Copier
- Modifier
- Transférer
- Soumis à licence utilisateur
Voir les détails du produit pour des infos sur les droits
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