G Général

Abird box Version 1

Abird box

Abird is a beautifull pet - no sensor - low lag.

It must be installed in the world. It follows you and note the names of people who came to visit you if you leave your home.

To contact your bird, use channel 137 as follows:

"/ 137 say list" lists the past avatars within a radius of 30 meters.
The list is reset to 0 using the command "/ 137 Reset list"

"/ 137 stop" for your pet stops moving (to leave at home, for example).
"/ 137 run" for your pet starts to move.

Change Color:

/ 137 red
/ 137 green
/ 137 blue
/ 137 yellow
/ 137 black
/ 137 white
/ 137 orange

Other versions are available, to track a specific object or multiple mutations.

Available in full perm (contact me)

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where is it gone?
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 26/8/2014 de Obero

got a visit by Silence Alchemi on my land, when i was offline... after i bought this 'Abird' and the 'Bopp pet' ... then the Bopp pet was gone. but the visit was registered. Then my home-orb registered on another day another visit of Silence Alchemi. And the Abird was gone. Both aren't in my inventory either, only the empty boxes/folders, where in I got them.
I asked for reasons for the visit and the removal by IM to Silence, but got no answer so far.
So I have to give this Feedback... sadly, I am not pleased, with the seller-policy here! And I will warn you all, to keep an eye on your pets!

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attached to this bird now lol
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 22/7/2012 de Kyrie Deka

ok so hard not to love this bird.

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Awesome Bird :-)
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 4/12/2011 de Joy Larkspur

Great features where you can change the bird color and the tracking feature is most helpful. Friendly suggestion: park (stop) your bird before going offsite. I highly recommend this product. Kudos to Silence Alchemi for the design.

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