A small HUD of 18 bento-animated particle and mesh emotes.
You can cast the emote using the HUD or using the gesture provided.
Affection requires rez rights to use.
Take a look at the video to get an idea of what is included, and how they look in-world.
Afficher la vidéo view_wishlist: Voir et partager votre liste de souhaits »Perfect
Perfect, can anyone recommend me more huds like this?
funny and cute!
what a great way to show ppl appreciation.. or not! lol but it's fast, clear and pretty. very well done and love the sounds.. we want moarrr!
After almost 16 years, SL continues to surprise me...
I like this hud so much that I have already bought two for my Kpop idol avatars....
I love giving love and what better than this hud to show it!!!
Amazing HUD!
Great tool to send love and kisses to my people. Its fun to see their surprise, no matter if we party, shopping or at live events. Particles works all the time!
Dear Creator keep up the amazing work. You're the best!
Very cute and detailed affects! I wish i could attach the kittens to myself so bad! Other than that they're so fun to play with friends.