G Général

Baseball Hat 04 - [Chris Two Designs] Version 1.0

Baseball Hat 04 - [Chris Two Designs]

Baseball Set | Baseball Hat - INFO - [Chris Two Designs]

Our Links:
Website: https://www.christwodesigns.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ChrisTwoDesigns
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/christwodesigns
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/christwodesigns
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisTwoDesigns

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Video Tutorial: Coming Soon!

For even more about the Baseball Set & Baseball Hat - [Chris Two Designs]
Visit https://www.christwodesigns.com/baseball-set-game

With the FATPACK | PATREON versions, you can Mix & Match all 6 | 7 models.


The menu can be accessed at the bottom of your HUD or simply by clicking on your BASEBALL BAT or BALL to open the RESIZE options.

Attention, the RESIZE option has a 20 Seconds Delay, so if you close your Resize Window, please wait 20 Seconds before the items accept the next interaction to re-start resizing.

When using the *Mouse LEFT-CLICK* away from players, the AVATAR can perform 3 different animations, 1- Play with Ball, 2- Play with Baseball Bat, and 3- Hit the Ball with the Baseball Bat.

When using the *Mouse LEFT-CLICK* close to players:
The Baseball Set - Game - [Chris Two Designs] is also integrated into the Body Expressions Interactive Slapper System - [Chris Two Design]

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  • High Res. Textures and Materials
  • Interactive