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Beach Bum Teddy Bear TipJar Version 1.3

Beach Bum Teddy Bear TipJar
Beach Bum Teddy Bear TipJar
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He sits under his umbrella and on his beach towel waiting for that perfect wave. He’s proudly sporting our Xtreme Texture Changing Sun Glasses! When people tip you they are presented with a menu that lists the free gifts inside. Upon clicking they get that present. They can get as many presents as they wish as long as they keep tipping you!

Included Presents:
Xtreme Sun Glasses with our Easy Texture Change Technology. (Change the texture with a click! )
A slice of juicy watermelon.

You can leave the presents that are included and or add your own!


• Personal TipJar that displays your name, amount of last tip, last tippers name, & the total amount tipped.
• Rez n Go Technology. Simply rez your TipJar and it’s ready to go.
• Free updates & Fixes for life.
• 100% Lifetime Guarantee. If your purchase should ever fail, get eaten, or break, we will fix or replace it for FREE! Yes… even if you break it!*

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* With proof of purchase

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L$ 99

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.: Xtreme Designs :.
.: Xtreme Designs :.
Vendu par : Lucian Mixemup

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