G Général

Beach House (Full Purchase) Version 1.0

Beach House (Full Purchase)

The package included two versions of the building, a 46 prim unfurnished version (including tp disks) and a 89 prim fully furnished version. The packages contains our usual residential building furniture packs. All the window in this building can be independently blacked out or returned to normal with a single click, the fire can also be turned on or off with a single click

Included in the price is a selection for furniture please see the images for an example of the furniture. The furniture packages contains far more items than included in the furnished buildings.

-Please Note-
1/ The building is modify, but is shown as none modify when bought, this is just due the the 'open close' door script not being modify, but this too can be modified via a notecard in the doors.
2/ The price shown is for the building only. The furniture supplied with the house buildings are free, because we are nice :)
3/ If you want to modify the building, or maybe move the furniture in the fully furnished house and are new to sl and not confident on how you do this. Please feel free to contact me and I will send you clear instructions. Its very easy really, but until you know how, its a mystery.

Footprint 15m x 15m

This building can be downloaded as a demo version for L$1. The demo version will derez after 15 minutes

  • Beach, fully furnished
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star empty star
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  • 1 étoile :
Fantastic even if you added a few zeros to the price
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 23/9/2022 de markjohnevens

Love this house. Okay its 89 prims which is on the high side compared to mesh builds, but given the amount of fittings its not bad. The price of 1L$ is Wow! Unlike the gentleman who reviewed the build before me, I had no problem with the rezzer. Its the same type I have used before. You have to commit the house to be stored in its position and detached from the rezzer, otherwise it will derezz every time the rezzer box is deleted.

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Very cute , very cheap but not functional.
full star full star full star empty star empty star Publié le 17/4/2021 de JhonSQL

Is the first time that I spent so much time to figure out how the heck rez this house, without at the end, it disappear. The problem is in the rezzer, the full rezzer works perfect at first, then when u have ur house rezzed and as with many other houses u want to get rid of the rezzer by return it to the inventory, the house also dissapear as well, even if i lock everything in the menu. the house is super cute and very well made but the guys that made it used this kind of mechanism to rezz and that was a big mistake.

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