[:Bella Kids:] Finger Foods Animations ~ FULL PERM (Wear Me)
These animations were made specifically with Toddleedoo avatars in mind, but they can work for any size!
Included with this purchase are:
~ Standing & eating (or drinking) animation
~ Sitting & eating (or drinking) animation
Animations are prioritized to play over AOs or most other animations that are running.
Please feel free to contact me in-world if you would like to see a live demonstration before buying.
*Sorry, refunds will not be offered or granted on full perm purchases*
~ You may use my animations in your own creations, with the following permission settings: no mod/copy/no trans, no mod/no copy/trans, no mod/no copy/no trans.
~ You may NOT sell or distribute my animations on their own, not even for free. This includes your own alts -- if you would like to use them in an alt's builds, you will have to purchase them again.
- Stand & Eat Animation
- Sit & Eat Animation
2 lovely Animations with perfect size - I hope we see more from IsabelleRose/Bella Kids
Size matters
I kept trying to move the candy around in a Toddledeedoo to get her to eat it but the adult animations weren't right because of the arm length. This was perfect - thank you