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Bento Water Pitcher (Glass) - Gives glasses of water Version 2

Bento Water Pitcher (Glass) - Gives glasses of water
Bento Water Pitcher (Glass) - Gives glasses of water
5 Avis

Water Pitcher with Bento and Experience enabled drink props
- Each drink will continue playing looped drinking bento animation and listens to "/1 cheers" to play cheer animation.
- The attached drink will detach if you wish to change your drink to another type.
Integrated bento facial and hand animations for each drink

Perfect for Parties or Party Favors
24/7 Customer Support

Drink Menu gives 3 drink choices: Water, Water with Lemon and Water with lime
- Each drink item will continue playing looped drinking bento animation.
- The attached drink will detach if you wish to change your drink to another type.

Customize Menu allows you to change the look to Water, Water with Lemon and Water with Lime

The props are not attaching to me:

Step 1: Click World -> About Land
Step 2: Click on the EXPERIENCES tab on the left
Step 3: In the Allowed Experiences section, click the Add.. button
Step 4: Enter the exact text "Experience Cytherion Revnik" and click GO button.
Step 5: Press the OK button at the bottom of the Choose Experience window.

There will be a one-time popup to add "Experience Cytherion Revnik" to your avatar.
Once you click Yes, the prop should automatically attach to you.

If the props are still not attaching, please request a restart of your sim.

The props are not attaching for my guests:

There will be a one-time popup to add "Experience Cytherion Revnik" to your guests' avatar.
Once they click Yes, the prop should automatically attach to them

- Need additional support? -
Please send an IM to "AkaeshaCustomerSupport Resident" to leave a message.

Akaesha Designs is a reputable and well established brand for animated products in SL.
We back that up with many years of experience and top notch customer support!

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Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • bento drinking animation
  • gives water glass when clicked
  • water pitcher with texture change
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Love it <3
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 7/8/2020 de Lenore Corvinus

For a product so simple but made to fit bento animations it sure is great and worth the 99L

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 5/8/2020 de Maggie21 Wirefly

Love it goes great on my kitchen counter~~

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?

L$ 99

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


Akaesha Designs and Animations
Akaesha Designs and Animations
Vendu par : Akaesha Revnik

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