The Happy Birthday Bear is menu driven and has cute little colorful particle balloons that float out of it.
Before attatching your bear. please remove your AO if you have one on.
Right click on the Happy Birthday Bear in your inventory to wear it, a menu will pop up asking permission to animate your yes*
The bear comes with 5 pre set* messages
*when you click on the bear a menu will appear so you can choose what message you want the bear to say*
*Birthday Bear**: *~*Happy Birthday*~*
*Birthday Bear**: Close your eyes and *Make a Wish...*
*Birthday Bear**: May ALL Your Wishes Come True...
*Birthday Bear**: *Birthday Kisses to you,**Muahhhhhhh
*Birthday Bear**: Gives you a BIG Birthday HUG
Cute gift for Birthday girl or guy
*Custom Bears*
If you would like your own messages for the bear to send to the Birthday girl or guy* please IM me in world and I'll be happy to personalize the bear for you*
Dakota Jarrico