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CATWA REEMA DEMO SHAPE - { wren's nest } - Remy DEMO

CATWA REEMA DEMO SHAPE - { wren's nest } - Remy DEMO
CATWA REEMA DEMO SHAPE - { wren's nest } - Remy DEMO
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This DEMO shape was designed for a very specific bento/mesh head and Maitreya mesh body. This shape does NOT work with classic avatars.

This shape was designed for a very specific skin (see style card). It may work with other skins, but it is best with the recommended skin.

DEMOs are copy only. When purchasing full version you get copy and modify rights plus a style card.

DEMO shape has VERY BIG hands and very short arms for DEMO purposes. Full version includes normal hand and arm sizes.

Please use the provided { wren's nest} Eyebrow shapes included in the folder. Different eyebrow shapes change a face dramatically

☎ For customer service, please contact WrenNoir Cerise by notecard.

Thank you ♡

⚡ ⚠ IMPORTANT NOTE: Maitreya Lara Mesh Body & Bento Mesh Head are NOT included. You need to purchase these items from their creators
⚡ ⚠ We are not responsible if other stores (skins, hair, etc.) change location or decide to discontinue a product. Information on the Style Card is correct as of the time of the creation of the shape

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • 3 female DEMO shapes for CATWA Catya Bento Head
  • 3 Eyebrow DEMO shapes for Catwa Catya Bento head
  • 1 Style card (limited info)

L$ 0

Version intégrale
{ wren's nest  }
{ wren's nest }
Vendu par : WrenNoir Cerise

Utilisation immédiate

cet article sera livré directement à vous-même ou à l'un de vos amis dans Second Life, ouvert et prêt à l'emploi. Aucun terrain ni sandbox ne sont requis.

Fonctionne avec les avatars en maillage
En savoir plus
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Droits :
  • Copier
  • Modifier
  • Transférer
  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
Voir les détails du produit pour des infos sur les droits
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