The ## CI ## Petite Fae includes 60 animations sorted as follows:
30 animations on the Petite Size hud (for petite avatars from Yabusaka) and 30 animations on the Standard Size hud (compatible with any SL shape). Both huds contain:
- 10 stands
- 1 walk
- 1 run
- 1 Fly
- 1 Fly Up
- 1 Fly Down
- 1 Hover
- 1 Jump
- 1 Pre-jumping
- 1 Land
- 1 Fall
- 2 Sits
- 2 Ground Sits
- 1 Crouch
- 1 Turn Right
- 1 Turn Left
- 3 Piruette (non looped) animations.
When you first attach any of the two versions of the hud you will notice 3 fae silhouettes above the pill. Each fae silhouette is a button you can click. When clicked,each of the 3 buttons will play a non looped piruette animation overriding the ao standing or hovering animations. This means that, when the anim finish playing, the AO will revert back to its standard behaviour. Piruette animations can be defined as fae specific gestures without chat or sound element.
All animations are copy / mod
Voir l'article dans Second LifeLove It
I love that it keeps the avi up in the air and it's really cute. I bought the incubus ao for my hubby and it's no good, really stiff and just not impressive for the price.
It's very
Cute. I wasn't aware that it makes the avatar to be in a constant state of floating air aerobics.
I like it enough to use it though.