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*-*C-Outlet*-* Dariel Lounger Version wooden table

*-*C-Outlet*-* Dariel Lounger

Wooden table with a glass tablet. Legs are in polished wood also. Rounded edges. Table carries a shadow beneath.

Ideal for all types of home and certainly the big outdoors.

Item is modify and copy.

In case of any problems feel free contact: Crixus Domenici.

  • Table
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even better than i had hoped!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 21/1/2023 de Absynthium Velvet

this is SO lovely... good LOD and so easy to tint!!

thank you!

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 24/12/2014 de 1BlueMystique

I love this so much great work and thank u for making it copyable and mod. I would of loved to of baught this for friends and wrap it up as a christmas present and send it to them but i later realized it was no trans but thats ok. I love putting things in boxs with wrapping paper and handing it to people makes it look like how u give a present in rl. but totally loving this table. again awsome job in the futrue on u all planing on making more items? Cause I will be looking forward to buying more of ur products. smiles.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 27/8/2014 de KalebFury

Great quality work, you prove that you don't need to spend thousands of lindens to furnish a home. This is by far the best table i have bought, will be stocking up on your stuff and sending a few people i know who like good quality furniture your way. Thank you.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 25/2/2014 de jeragai Jeriamas

I wish you had a store. your furniture is so beautiful and it really has animations that work!

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 27/2/2013 de DarkFoxxian

A nice little table. It is 6 prims, and mesh. Nice for 10lindens.

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