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Classic Western Guitar

Classic Western Guitar
Classic Western Guitar
7 Avis

And please, check the FEATURES tab for additional information! Thanks!
The guitar has been updated. A bit of Cosmetic changes and added 3 more classic western songs.
IF YOU purchased the older version of the guitar, send me a notecard with transaction ID and i'll redeliver it for you.

Greetings there!

Are you the one who is looking for a nice piece of atmospheric extension for your western, cowboy role play sim? Or do you just want to play something classic by the campfire gazing at the stars? Well, you are welcome!

With this guitar you can greatly expand your Wild West Cowboy style as it shares both versatility, RP element and high quality western song covers.

You can play fast, intimidating tracks during someone's duel, or relaxing, calm themes by the campfire. Grab the guitar in your arms and play cheerfully at a local saloon, or put it on the back when the music can't solve the bargain.
-----------------!SONG LIST!------------------
1. The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly;
2. For A Few Dollars More;
3. The Shadows - Apache;
4. Cowboy VS Aliens: Cockpit theme;
5. Cowboy VS Aliens: Jake Lonergan;
6. The Last of the Mohicans;
--new songs added--
7. Ecstasy Of Gold;
8. Fistful Of Dollars;
9. Once Upon A Time in the West.
Thank you for showing the interest in this product! Please, if you have any questions regarding the quality of the guitar, or the tracks, or anything, shoot me a notecard and we'll take care of the issue. Leave a feedback, every suggestion helps us improve the product. Thanks!

And please, check the FEATURES tab for additional information! Thanks!

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  • 9 full high quality, popular western themes. More than 20 minutes of music.
  • The animation only overrides the hands and head, allowing you to use your AO
  • An ability to put the guitar on the back for further atmospheric RP improvement
  • An option to play the animation separately for life performance
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Love the songs
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 9/3/2017 de sheriffl2k

Hud comes with alot of songs and a western version of one of my favorites! Fit my large and small avatar with some axis tuning but animations worked very well

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L$ 499

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Di's Stuff
Di's Stuff
Vendu par : Diana Blakewell

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