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{Bob} Easy Mailbox Notifications Plug-in - BOXED

{Bob} Easy Mailbox Notifications Plug-in - BOXED

Notifications Plug-in

Add notifications to your Easy Mailbox

Checks your online status to make sure you get the notification (if you got mail while offline it will send you a notifications as soon as you are online again)

(Managers also get notifications if you
have the Managers plug-in installed)

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Add notifications to your Easy Mailbox
  • Checks your online status to make sure you get the notification
  • Managers also get notifications if you have the Managers plug-in installed
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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 9/8/2022 de Winterangel56

This creator should get 10 stars his products are amazing and his client support is fantastic. He is friendly and response fast also sorting out any questions you have, very patient with begginers like me thank you for the awesome service and help

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