G Général

Fur Trim BOM Stockings - Black Maitreya TMP Slink Physique Hourglass Eve Lena Wowmeh OMEGA Applier

Fur Trim BOM Stockings - Black Maitreya TMP Slink Physique Hourglass Eve Lena Wowmeh OMEGA Applier

Fur Trim BOM Stockings

• • • A lot of my stockings have been moved to separate store, please visit: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/193321 • • •

This product contains:

.::. Fur Trim Stockings - Black (socks layer for standard Second Life avatars)
.::. Fur Trim Stockings - Black (tattoo layer for standard Second Life avatars)
.::. Fur Trim Stockings - Black - [BANNED] Dea Applier
.::. Fur Trim Stockings - Black - Brazilia Doll Applier
.::. Fur Trim Stockings - Black - Belleza Applier
.::. Fur Trim Stockings - Black - EVE Avatar Applier
.::. Fur Trim Stockings - Black - Lena Mesh Body Applier
.::. Fur Trim Stockings - Black - Maitreya Mesh Body Applier
.::. Fur Trim Stockings - Black - OMEGA Applier
.::. Fur Trim Stockings - Black - The Mesh Project Applier
.::. Fur Trim Stockings - Black - Slink Body & Slink Feet Appliers
.::. Fur Trim Stockings - Black - WowMeh Applier
.::. Fur Trim R/L - COPY/MODIFY

.::. IMPORTANT .::.
Please remember that if you are using The Mesh Project - the stocking will ONLY work
with DELUXE and BASIC version of the body.

Before you start using your product PLEASE READ Appliers Instruction that is added to every folder.
But if you had any additional questions, or needed an update, don't hesitate to write me.

Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star half star
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  • 1 étoile :
Cute and original.
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 12/1/2015 de eloisewhite

I own Maitreya body, The Mesh Project and Slink.
What I really like about the store and it's why I keep coming back is that all appliers always work perfectly. I never had issues. Thank you for the awesome work! :)

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Perfect for my belleza body!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 1/1/2015 de Bailey Palmira

The stockings look very nice with my lace dress. Love them :)

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