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Hair Version Textures, Wonderwall

1 Avis

WonderWall Full Perm


45 Hair Textures.
All Seamless.
300 DPI Resolution.
Blods, reds, blacks, greys, colors and ombre styles included.


The textures are boxed, click to unpack.
The textures come with all permissions activated. With puchase you are agreeing to the following terms of use:


Terms Of Use:

- Do not resell the textures as they are.
- Only to be used in Second Life.
- The buyer avatar is the only license holder of this product. You cannot send them to your other avatars.
- You can not sell or redistribute products resulting from the use of our textures with full permissions. Your product must not be full perm.

You are agreeing to the terms by purchasing this product. Enjoy creating :)

  • BOX Hair FATPACK for Creators 45 Seamless Textures WonderWall
  • Wonderwall, Seamless Textures, Backdrops, Clipart, Builder, Fabrics, Materials
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 1/7/2022 de Rah Rehula

Very nice set. Easy to work with.

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?

L$ 1 200

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


WonderWall✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
WonderWall✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
Vendu par : hollyanchel

Ouverture requise

Vous devez trouver un endroit de Second Life (tel qu'une sandbox) pour ouvrir et utiliser cet article.

Fonctionne avec les avatars Seamless, Textures, Maitreya, LaraX, Reborn, Waifu, Belleza, GenX, Legacy, Bombshell, Kupra, Prima, Peach, Khara, Star
En savoir plus
Droits :
  • Copier
  • Modifier
  • Transférer
  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
Voir les détails du produit pour des infos sur les droits
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